Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chilean Fjords

25 November 2009.
Leaving the small town of Chacabuco in Southern Chile, we travelled the Chilean Fjords, navigating through a myriad of small islands, most of them sparsely inhabited, all part of the remote Magallanes. Islands had names like Desolacion (Desolation) and Ultima Esperanza (last Hope) that surely reflected the way the earliest settlers, many of them European, must have felt. Narrow channels bracketed by towering mountains partly explained the calm waters and isolated outposts. Maritime traffic consisted mainly of small craft like the one in the picture and with the mountains in the background, it was an opportunity for a snapshot that only partly succeeds in capturing the breathtaking and awe-inspiring scenery always evident in the Chilean Fjords.

POSTSCRIPT: This picture was published in the Toronto Star Travel section, "Where In The World" on 23rd October, 2010. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Katmandu, Nepal. October 2010
Northeast of the city lies Boudanauth Stupa, a UN World Heritage site and one of the holiest places in Katmandu. The stupa’s massive mandala makes it one of the largest spherical structures in Nepal, dominating the skyline. Thousands of tourists of all faith are drawn to it every year, mixing freely with monks dressed in saffron robes.
At the top of the dome, wanting to take some pictures of the surroundings, I came across a young monk sitting in an alcove. He was totally engrossed in counting a stack of Nepalese bills, oblivious of everything and everyone else around him, including me. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity: here was a monk, someone who eschewed worldly possessions, counting the day’s take. I clicked before he could see me. However, another monk had come upon the scene and observed what I was doing. He said something in Nepalese to the young monk.
The money counter gave me a cross look and wagged his finger. “No permission,” he said.
Too late, I thought, the deed is already done. But, I handed over a couple of U.S dollars that he eagerly took with an outstretched hand and added to his stack.