Thursday, January 13, 2011

Starting Off

My Blog is meant to accomplish a number of things:

  1. My Writing: Over several decades I have documented my life in Journals on an ongoing basis, written a number of short stories, completed a novel JUNTA and am about to put closure on another: RACING WITH THE RAIN. The pleasure that I gain from writing is immeasurable. It will also feature my own perspective on the art of writing and how I manage to accomplish what I do.
  2. People: Our world is filled with interesting people and as they say, truth is stranger than fiction. I have met a substantial number of people in my lifetime, many of them fascinating characters worth chronicling in this Blog. Of course, names have been changed to protect the innocent.
  3. Places: I have visited many places in many countries and many of those places have held a fascination for me. They will feature in this Blog.
  4. Perspectives: everyone has a point of view and I have a few. So, you can say that I have something to say about quite a number of subjects. My Blog will provide an outlet for this, mostly about what I think needs fixing in this world of ours.
Hope you find this worth your time connecting...

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